mp3 | james blake | voyeur | bear//face bootleg

belfast's nineteen-year-old producer extraordinaire
bear//face dropped his take on
james blake's "voyeur" about a month back. we'd been a little blaked out around this time and aside from a listen here or there, the track steadily receded into relative obscurity. last night, i gave it a run through by chance and have since decided it's frickin dope. an already minimal cut is stripped to its bones where haunting, muddy vocals weave throughout winding keys and patiently paced drums only to drop out almost entirely with a build-up at
1:25 that hits as hard as you'd always dreamed. it's cathartic—executed to perfection. stream that crud above and grab the (left click)
download here. while we're at it, if you're into the bootleg, be sure to
snag the aptly titled beat tape mixtape bear//face released last year as well.