stream | postiljonen | on the run

summer's so frickin close to being a real thing up here. while we continue to make every attempt to get through these last painstaking weeks of portland's offensively exaggerated winter, it's more than nice to receive a bit of a morale boost in the form of an ideal, chilled-out summer jam—a taste of things to come. sweden's
postiljonen recently dropped a tiny-bit-dope track by the name of "on the run," as if it were a direct response to our stifled cries for less rain crud and more summer fun. floating, dreamy vocals hover above a subdued synth and marching snare, creating a laid-back, whimsical pop jam that does well to usher in the impending warmth of june. and to top it off, their album
skyer drops next week. summer, let's go.