mp3 | ladyfrnd | un petit message

portland is dreary as crud and looking to stay that way for the next week. in an attempt to enjoy the quiet, drenched nights we will be working to throw up some chilled out, and relatively subdued jams over the next few days. vancouver's
humans spin-off
ladyfrnd seems as good a place as any to start: "un petit message" is straightforward and uncomplicated. produced by peter ricq, the track employs a simple synth melody against soft drum-machine thumps that propel the delicate, yet, by contrast, piercing vocals of yuki holland to a gentle crescendo. it's ideal for a calm, rain-soaked night in the city. the canadian duo are set to release their self-titled debut album on july
15 - check out the first single above and
head over to their bandcamp where you can name your own price for the download.